Blockade with high-visibility echogenic cannulas.

Clarity and precision

The high-visibility echogenic technology of the Echo Safeis designed to offer excellent clarity, precision and safety in ultrasound-guided procedures. The circumferential, clear and bright visualization of the needle tip, when subjected to the sound waves of the ultrasound transducers, reflects in a sharper image, facilitating the orientation, advancement and precise location of the needle in different anatomical targets.

What is echogenic?

When it comes to radiology, the term echogenic refers to material that allows ultrasound waves to be reflected. The term echogenicity can be understood as the property of a given material (an organic tissue, or a blockage cannula, for example) to reflect ultrasound and generate echoes, which in turn generate echographic images, also called sonographic images, allowing the echogenic object to be visualized more clearly on the image formation screen. Sonovisible is also a term used to describe materials with similar properties.


Quality control

The cannulas Ortho Safe undergo rigorous quality control and inspection in which dimensional aspects, finish, resistance and functionality of the batches produced are evaluated, offering safety to doctors and patients by placing high quality, high performance products on the market.


Rua Frei Caneca, 558 – São Paulo – SP - Brazil
+55 11 2609-7300

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