Cannula for Radiofrequency high-performance matrix X-Grid™ safety and precision.

RF at its best

The Kit Safe RFX is suitable for performing thermal or pulsed radiofrequency procedures. The insulation technology, together with the laser cutting system and tip finishing, offer more comfort and glide soft of the cannula during introduction at the target point.

The kit comes with the exclusive adhesive radiopaque matrix X-Grid™, which allows the procedure to be carried out receiving up to 6x less radiation, in addition to increasing by up to 5x positioning accuracy of cannulasusing fewer radiological images to reach the target.


The cannulas Safe-RFX incorporate quality with high technology in a double conical, heat-sealed insulation system, with state-of-the-art materials and production systems to minimize trauma to the patient and increase the ease with which the cannula can be advanced during procedures.

Made from high-performance AISI 304 steel, the cannulas Safe-RFX have a precise and resistant finish, offering safety and reliability to the procedures carried out. 

Veja os modelos de kit Safe-RFX disponíveis.
ReferenceCannulasLengthDiameterExposed tipTip typeX-Grid™
SRFX9915cm22G4mmStraight, sharpYes
SRFX86725cm22G4mmStraight, sharpYes
SRFX339110cm21G10mmStraight, sharpYes
SRFX1107210cm21G10mmStraight, sharpYes
SRFX563115cm20G10mmStraight, sharpYes
SRFX1331215cm20G10mmStraight, sharpYes

Special sizes available on request


Radiofrequency procedures pose radiation exposure risks that can be avoided with appropriate protective measures.

The Precision and Safety Matrix X-Grid™ is a unique and patented solution for reducing the need for x-rays in the operating room and improve accuracy for target location, providing faster and safer cases, making it an indispensable resource for safety and precision in fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous surgical procedures.


  • Clear image with precise references for navigation of the cannula insertion point, providing an unprecedentedly fast and precise procedure.
  • Reduction of radiation in the operating room by up to 6x.
  • Up to 5x more successful in locating the target of the procedure.
  • The only block material with results proven by published scientific articles.



According to Spinal Interventional Society there is no safe dose of radiation, and the principle of ALARA “As Low As Reasonably Achievable”, or “Tão Baixo Quanto Razoavelmente Possível”. Recommending that all possible protective measures should be adopted to reduce radiation in interventional procedures, including pain treatment procedures.

Bibliographical references

    • A. von Wrangel, Å. Cederblad & M. Rodriguez-Catarino (2009) Fluoroscopically Guided Percutaneous Vertebroplasty: Assessment of Radiation Doses and Implementation of Procedural Routines to Reduce Operator Exposure, Acta Radiologica, 50:5, 490-496
    • Kim, et al: Use of a radiopaque localizer grid to reduce radiation exposure. Annals of Surg Innovand Research 2011, 5:6.
    • Rampersaud RY, et al: Radiation exposure to the spine surgeon during fluoroscopically assisted pedicle screw insertion. Spine 2000; 25:2637-45.
    • Tsai KJ, et al: Multiple parallel skin markers for minimal incision lumbar disc surgery; a technical note. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2004, 5:8.
    • Upadhyaya CD, et al: Avoidance of wrong-level thoracic spine surgery: an intraoperative localization with preoperative percutaneous fiducial screw placement. J Neurosurg Spine 2012;16:280-284

Quality control

The cannulas Safe-RFX undergo rigorous quality control and inspection in which dimensional aspects, finish, resistance and functionality of the batches produced are evaluated, offering safety to doctors and patients by placing high quality, high performance products on the market.


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+55 11 2609-7300

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